Book by
Alan Knee
Music by
Jason Howland
Lyrics by
Mindi Dickstein
LITTLE WOMEN is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI). All authorized performance materials are also provided by MTI.
The Abilene High Fine Arts Musical is made possible by a generous contribution by the Dian Graves Owen Foundation.
Special Thanks To the Following Individuals and Organizations
The Abilene ISD Fine Arts Office
Abilene High School Custodial Staff
Dance Discovery Studios
Wendy Weeks
The Abilene High School Choir
Austin Blanton-Austin Blanton Photography
Charles Caddell
Randy Cluck and Rob Westman with Abilene ISD TV
The Abilene High Eagle Band
Hardin Simmons University Theatre
All of the Parents and Family of the cast and crew
Abilene High Theatre is supported by the Abilene High School and Abilene ISD Administration
Superintendant-Dr. David Young
Director of Fine Arts-Jay Lester
Fine Arts Coordinator-Brady Sloane
Abilene High School Principal-Michael Garcia
Associate Principal-Patricia Anderson
Instructional Specialist-Emme Siburt
Assistant Principals-Rene Carey, Casey Hodges, Simon Guerrero, Roy Sharp, Erika Varela
Abilene ISD Board of Trustees
President-Daryl Zeller
Vice President-Cindy Earles
Secretary-Angie Wiley
Assistant Secretary-Bill Enriquez
Derek Hood
Rodney Goodman
Dr. Danny Wheat
The Cast
*denotes International Thespian Society (ITS) Member
~ denotes ITS Officer
Thursday and Saturday at 7pm
Jo March…………..Mia Flores*~
Meg March……..Karissa Ward*
Beth March…….Bradie Flores
Amy March…….Carlee Lamb*~
Marmee March…..Leann Bailey
Friday at 7pm and Saturday at 2pm
Jo March…………..Madi Sipe*~
Meg March……..Ella Thomas*
Beth March…….Molly Mercer
Amy March…….Solya Lowe
Marmee March…..Hannah Hillis*~
For all performances
Aunt March……..Alexandra Shewmaker*
Laurie Laurence……..Jordan Mathis*~
Professor Bhaer…….Brent Bardin*~
Mr. John Brooke……Hayden Forkner
Mr. Laurence……….Gabriel McCracken
Mrs. Kirk………………Jane Anne Carroll
Clarissa………………..Kaelyn Pacheco
Braxton……………….Summer Rektenwald
Rodrigo……………….Emma Horn
Knight…………………Ava Walters
Hag…………………….Hope Fambrough*
Troll………………..….Kelsie Patterson
Rodrigo 2…………..Hope Arrazola
Ensemble…………. Samantha Connelly*, Carissa Delagarza*~, Jackson Eller, Caleb Irwin, Savannah Ramirez*, Jackson Riley, Nathan Wilson, Hallie Wright
The Crew
Director………………….Robert Taylor, Jr.
Music Director…………Remel Derrick
Choreographer………..Teri Wilkerson
Dance Captain…………Karissa Ward
Stage Manager……….Arra Eason*
Assistant Stage Manager…….Ciera Rollins*
Technical Director……..Kyle Martin
Costume Designer……..Marissa Trujillo
Microphones…………….Dennis Irby
Light Console……………Celeste Diaz
Sound/Projections…….Molly Daugherity
Spotlights………………….Jaxon Pietsek, Jaylynn Wilkins
Stage Running Crew…….Adamari Urrabazo
Costume Crew…….Brandon Levis, Anicia Salyers, Christen Wuorinen
Sets/Lights/Costume Construction Crew……Malia Alcantar, Beau Barr, Josue Cardoza, Aidan Delagarza, Britnee Dutton, Antonio Ezagui, Martin Herrera, Tabreeze Johnson*, Jayton Lambert, Maleena Lazano, Hailey McFadden, Eleya Parham, Gilbert Rodriguez, Nathan Salazar, Markavian Smith, Eusebio Vielma, Aurora Wall, Kaitlynn Weaver, Dalton Anders, Jadrian Ceballos, Anthonie Corley, Arra Eason, Anthony Garcia, Adorian Haynes, Brandon Levis, Leo Maldonado, Jayson Medrano, Magic Mitchell, Angelique Padilla, Danny Pedroza, Thomas Rixey, Anicia Salyers, Justin Sanchez, Hayden Stewart, Danny Vasquez, Mariah Villarreal, Tatum Willis, Craigory Wright, Jacob Youman

Abilene High School is home of Troupe #1818, a chapter of the International Thespian Society. ITS is an honor society for theatre students that exists to provide resources for learning about theatre, scholarship opportunities for those wishing to study theatre in college, and better the community through service projects and arts education. To be inducted into ITS students must accumulate at least 10 points. Points are earned by participating in theatre activities, either as an actor or in a behind-the-scenes capacity.
Musical Numbers
There will be a 15 Minute Intermission between Acts 1 and 2
1. An Operatic Tragedy….Jo, Clarissa, Braxton, Rodrigo
2. Better….Jo
3. Our Finest Dreams….Jo, Meg, Beth, Amy
4. Here Alone….Marmee
5. Could You….Aunt March, Jo
6. Delighted….Marmee, Meg, Jo, Beth
7. Take a Chance On Me….Laurie
8. Better (Reprise)….Jo
9. Off To Massachusetts….Beth, Mr. Laurence
10. Five Forever….Jo, Laurie, Amy, Meg, Beth
11. More Than I Am….Mr. Brooke, Meg
12. Take a Chance (Reprise)….Laurie
13. Astonishing….Jo
14. The Weekly Volcano Press….Jo and Ensemble
15. Off To Massachusetts (Reprise)….Mr. Laurence, Beth, Marmee, Meg, Mr. Brooke
16. How I Am….Professor Bhaer
17. Some Things Are Meant To Be….Jo, Beth
18. The Most Amazing Thing….Amy, Laurie
19. Days Of Plenty….Marmee
20. The Fire Within Me….Jo
21. Small Umbrella In the Rain….Professor Bhaer, Jo
22. Volcano (Reprise)….Jo
Hope Arrazola
(Rodrigo 2)
Hope is a freshman, this is her first production with AHS theatre. She is a member of the Treble Choir and achieved 4th chair in TMEA region choir, 3rd chair in pre-area and is currently competing in Vit Solo Contest. She enjoys playing tennis and dancing at Patty Harper Dance Studio. She would like to thank her parents and grandmother.
Leann Bailey
(Marmee, Thur and Sat evening)
She is a pure gold member at Abilene High and is also in Concert Choir. She was involved in
a musical called Crazy For You and Also Rats and Pied Piper. Leann also has a total of 3 friends and
is a junior with love for music and all things singing.
Ella Thomas
(Meg, Fri and Sat afternoon)
Ella Thomas is a senior. She has been involved in choir and theatre all four years of high school. She plans to attend ACU in the fall of 2021 and major in communications. She is thrilled to be in this production.
Brent Bardin
(Professor Bhaer)
Brent is a senior and has been in multiple Abilene high production including Oklahoma!, Bubble Boy, Hamlet, and This One Thing I Do. He is involved in creative writing, Thespians, and National Honors Society. He would like to thank his family, friends, directors, and voice teacher, Paige. He also loves his salsa chunky and his jazz smooth.
Jane Anne Carroll
(Mrs. Kirk)
Jane Anne Carroll has been dancing for the past 14 years and is excited to perform in her second show at AHS. She is involved in choir, debate and dances at Patty Harper Studios.
Samantha Connelly
Samantha is a sophomore and this is her second musical at Abilene High. She was Laertes in last year’s fall show Hamlet and was on the crew for The Actor’s Nightmare. She has been dancing for 13 years at Dance Discovery Studios and Bowls on a bowling team. She plans on furthering her theatre career throughout high school and beyond.
Carissa Delagarza
She has been a dancer and in theatre for 3 years and has performed in 3 musicals at Abilene High. She is now a senior and a member of the Thespian Board of Officers.
Arra Eason
(Stage Manager)
Arra is a sophomore and this is her 2nd year being a part of the AHS theater. She was Costume Manager/Designer for last year’s fall play This One Thing I Do and last year’s spring musical Oklahoma. She was Assistant Stage Manager in the fall for Hamlet and ran follow spotlight for the show The Actor’s Nightmare. She is a cheerleader at
Abilene High, is in Varsity Theatre Production, and is also a technical theatre student. With straight A’s she
is looking ahead at a bright feature, and is planning on starting at Cisco College in the Fall of
Jackson Eller
Jackson has never been in a Abilene High musical before, but he sure can sing! Despite this fact he has been in the band for all four years of high school, and used to play tennis. Jackson takes creative writing and is a senior. He marched with the band at Walt Disney World during the spring break of 2020.
Hope Fambrough
Hope Fambough is a sophomore and is very excited to be a part of the show. This is her
fourth production at Abilene high. Past shows include This One Thing I Do, Oklahoma! and has recently played Osric in Hamlet. She has also been involved in other shows with APAC and BCCT. She is involved in choir and Student Council. She would like to thank her parents, Chad and Sarah, for supporting her in everything she does.
Bradie Flores
(Beth, Thur and Sat evening)
Bradie is a sophomore in concert choir. Her favorite color is yellow and this is her first year performing in an AHS production. She hopes to be a part of many more shows and cannot wait for what the feature holds. She loves to sing and act and looks up to her older sister Mia Flores.
Mia Flores
(Jo, Thur and Sat evening)
Mia Flores is a senior and has done a total of five musicals at Abilene High. Mia would like to thank her family for their support. Specifically, she would like to thank her sister, Cameron Flores, for assisting her during her characterization of Jo. She has enjoyed working with Madi Sipe and admires her love for this show. She wishes the very best for Madi and appreciates such a loving friend.
Hayden Forkner
(Mr. John Brooke)
Hayden portrayed the prestigious role of Reindeer Trainee in the 2013 Taylor Trojan
Elementary Christmas Program. He then took a leave of absence from all things theatre to
refine his acting skills. Then, as he came out from his self imposed exile, he played a pivotal
role in the 2019 White River Youth Camp Spiritual Graffiti. Soon afterwards, he portrayed the
critically acclaimed role of Slim in Abilene High School Oklahoma! Oh, and he has also
starred as Satan in the 2020 White River Youth Camp Spiritual Graffiti.
Hannah Hillis
(Marmee, Fri and Sat afternoon)
Hannah Hillis has been in the Abilene Theatre scene for seven years and has participated
in Abilene High School Theatre all four years. Her notable roles have been in Legally Blonde, Jr.
(Vivian), This One Thing I Do (Elizabeth) and Hamlet (Polonius) it is a bittersweet goodbye
graduating from AHS as she has loved her years on this stage. She plans on majoring in
English Literature on the East Coast. A special thanks goes out to her number one viewer
Cassandra the Cat.
Emma Horn
Emma is Senior at AHS with this being her first year in an Abilene High production. She has been in several productions with Abilene Performing Arts Center such as The King and I and A Pied Piper Fantasy. Emma is also involved in other fine arts programs. She has been a member of the Abilene High Honor Band for three years and in AP art for two, and a member of Art Club and Band leadership Team for three years.
Caleb Irwin
Caleb is a freshman at Abilene High and made his stage debut in ‘Hamlet. This is his first musical at AHS. He also appeared in Jordan Mathis’ production of An Actor’s Nightmare in the fall. Caleb won Best Actor in the Middle School One Act competition in 8th grade. He also plays clarinet in the AHS Band and plays hockey with Key City Hockey.
Carlee Lamb
(Amy, Thur and Sat evening)
Carlee Lamb is a senior. This is Carlee’s 8th musical to take part in over the years. Carlee is a varsity cheerleader, a member of Theater Production, a member of the Concert Choir , and a member of the National Honor Society. Carlee loves the Abilene High Theatre department and is honored to get to take part in such a wonderful production.
Solya Lowe
(Amy, Fri and Sat afternoon)
Soyla Lowe is a freshman and this is her first Abilene High Musical. Her debut production at
Abilene High was in Hamlet. She has played piano for eight years and she has been in many
productions at the Paramount Theater such as Fiddler On the Roof. She has also been in the
junior musicals such as Mary Poppins, Jr. and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Jr. She is very excited
to be a part of this production.
Jordan Mathis
Jordan has been active in Abilene High Theatre for the past four years. He most
recently played Ophelia in Hamlet and portrayed Curly in lasts year’s musical Oklahoma! In
addition to acting Jordan also directed The Actor’s Nightmare in the fall. Jordan is active in
AHS Choir and has been a part of Vocal Ensemble Pure Gold for the past three years. Jordan would
like to thank his father for being supportive and his inspiration in life.
Gabriel McCracken
(Mr. Laurence)
Gabriel is a Junior at Abilene High. He is a member of the Abilene High Honor Band and
has been a member of the A-High Steel Band. Before that, Gabriel was a member of the Eagle
Choir and is a member of the National Honor Society.
Molly Mercer
(Beth, Fri and Sat afternoon)
Molly Mercer is a junior at Abilene High School. This is her musical theater debut and she is thrilled to be in this production. Molly is heavily involved with the Abilene High School Choir, being a member of the Concert Choir and Pure Gold. She currently holds the recognition of Texas Music Scholar and is eager to major in music education in college.
Kelsie Patterson
Kelsie is a freshman at AHS and this is her first production. She also enjoys playing
tennis and singing in the choir, she is planning on competing in the UIL solo contest soon. She would like to thank her parents for their constant encouragement and support during this production.
Kaelyn Pacheco
This is her first production at AHS. Recently moving from california, this will be her first production in Texas. She has been in choir since the 3rd grade, having also been in musical theatre for 5 years. Kaelyn has won state soprano of the year twice. Her favorite memory in musical theatre was her time at Disney.
Savannah Ramirez
Savannah Ramirez is a senior at Abilene High. She’s been in theater all four years but has
only performed on stage her last two years, debuting in This One Thing I Do. Savannah also appeared in Hamlet, The Actor’s Nightmare and Booby Trap and did with hair and makeup for Oklahoma! and Senior Directs. She plans on becoming a graphic designer in the future.
Summer Rektenwald
Summer is a senior at Abilene High School. This is her first show at Abilene High but she
was a shining star in many productions at the Paramount Theatre thoughout her elementary and middle
school years. Summer’s most outstanding role was Mrs. Claus at the Taylor 5th grade program.
She is also in band, jazz band, steel band and PALS. Summer wants to send a thanks you to
her parents and brother. She is the Abilene High Band president.
Jackson Riley
Jackson Riley is a Freshman at Abilene High and has performed all his life. This is his first Abilene High Musical. He wants to thank his parents supporting him though different performances through out his life.
Ciera Rollins
(Assistant Stage Manager)
Ciera is a senior at Abilene High School. At Cooper High School she worked on White Christmas in the costume crew, These Shining Lives as the assistant stage manager, and Sister Act on the running crew , and School House Rock Live Jr. as an assistant stage manager with Big Country Children’s Theater, For Abilene High Theatre Ciera was assistant stage manager for Oklahoma! and stage manager for Hamlet. She would like to thank her mom and dad for getting her to all her rehearsal and her uncle for sharing his love of theater with her. She plans to major in technical theatre at Texas A&M University in Corpus Christi.
Alexandra Shewmaker
(Aunt March)
Alexandra is a Junior, and is involved in Concert Choir and Theatre Production, she has been in many shows at Abilene High, such as Big Fish, Oklahoma! and Hamlet. She has also been in several shows at the Paramount Theatre. Alexandra would like to thank Molly Mercer and Karissa Ward for always driving her home.
Madi Sipe
(Jo, Fri and Sat afternoon)
Madi is a senior, she is currently serving as Abilene High Theatre Thespian President. Madi has most recently been seen in the AHS production of Hamlet as Hamlet, in Oklahoma! as Ado Annie and featured in last year’s one act play, Boobie Trap. She has also been seen around the community in various Paramount shows such as, Newsies, Fiddler On the Roof, and Legally Blonde. Madi also participates in Pure Gold and Theater Production. She plans to major in musical theater next year in college. Madi loves Thai food and couldn’t have done this without her great friend, Mia Flores, because she supported her the whole way.
Karissa Ward
(Meg, Thur and Sat evening/Dance Captain)
Karissa Ward is in her Junior year, and this is her fourth Abilene High Production. She has been in Abilene High’s Productions of Big Fish, Oklahoma, Hamlet, and The Actor’s Nightmare. She is a Drum Major with the Eagle Band and a dancer at Abilene Performing Arts Center. She would like to thank her family for their tremendous support and she is extremely great to be able to do what she loves despite the challenges 2020 has brought upon everyone.
Ava Walters
Ava Walters is a sophomore and Varsity cheerleader at Abilene High. She will debut as the Knight in this years production, Little Women. She is eager to pursue theatre arts in the coming years.
Nathan Wilson
He is in band and choir, and is in the steel band. He is in all AP classes and is a sophomore. He has marched in the parade at Disney World and this is his first year to be in a theatre production. Shout out to Gabe McCrackin.
Hallie Wright
Hallie’s first production was the fall production of Hamlet at Abilene High School, where she played the First Player/Player Queen. Her dance experience goes far past the theater, though; she has studied danced forms such as ballet, musical theatre and tap dance since she was three, including six years of competition dance. She’s played violin in the school orchestra since the fourth grade. One of her proudest school achievements is helping lead her school to second in the district on the Battle of the Books competition during her freshman year. Hallie would like to thank the Abilene High Theatre team and her mother, for always encouraging her theatrical pursuits.